Mittwoch, 3. April 2013

Proximos cursos (detalles en la agenda)/next classes (details in the agenda)/nächste Kurse (Einzelheiten im Terminkalender) y/and/und:

Chi Nei Tsang masaje abdominal en LANZAROTE: 28 de abril 2013

Chi Nei Tsang - Bauchmassage in Köln: 25. Mai 2013

Chi Nei Tsang masaje abdominal en MADRID:    1° de junio 2013 

Samstag, 31. Dezember 2011


Conferencia sobre el Chi Nei Tsang/talk about CNT/Vortrag über CNT:

15.01.2012 Costa Teguise/Lanzarote          Info PDF

Taller de introducción/introduction workshop/Schnupperkurs:

28.01.2012 Costa Teguise/Lanzarote          Info PDF

Samstag, 6. August 2011



Just about everybody in the modern world has to deal with some sort of stress. Health professionals have placed stress as an underlying factor in a wide range of diseases.
The Taoist way of dealing with stress is to perform the Six Healing Sounds. The Six Healing Sounds are so simple and easy to perform that they seem almost too good to be true. I have found the Six Healing Sounds to be the most valuable technique of all the many spiritual practices I ve learned so far.
A lot of techniques require months and years of practice before any noticeable results occur. Thankfully, that is not the case with the Six Healing Sounds. They work first time, every time.
Recycling and Transforming Negative Energy
Everything is energy. When Taoists confront negative emotional energy, rather than seeking to destroy it or to dump it out, they use techniques to transform negative, sick energy into positive, loving, healing energy.
The primary methods employed are The Inner Smile 1 and the Six Healing Sounds.
Negative emotions are stored in the body s organs. Over time, the accumulation of the negativity erodes the organs health and effects the person s disposition.
The Six Healing Sounds work to transform the negative energy stored in the organs and to transform them into healing light. That works better than holding onto negativity or dumping it out onto someone else because such emotional venting only serves to pass an emotional virus onto another and, via the law of karma, eventually that same negativity will be revisited upon the person who sent it out in the first place.
When negative emotional energy is transmuted, it can then be circulated through the Microcosmic Orbit to send healing energy throughout the body.
The Lung Sound
Fear is stored in the lungs. The lung sound transforms fear into courage.
Position: Sit on the edge of your chair with feet shoulder length apart. Place hands palms-up on your thighs. Raise both hands above your head, palms-up, with fingertips of each hand touching the tip of the other. Look up.
Lung sound: Place your tongue behind your closed teeth and, with a long slow exhalation, made the lung sound "SSSSSSSSSSSS" (like the sound of steam from a radiator). 2
Visualization: Return your hands to the palms-up position on your lap and smile to your lungs. Imagine a white light shining upon your lungs, surrounding them. Concentrate on feeling the virtue (power) of courage.
Repeat two more times (a total of three), including the hands position and visualization.
The Kidneys Sound
The kidneys sound transform the emotional energy inside the kidneys into gentleness and generosity.
Positions: Sit on the edge of your chair with feet shoulder length apart. Place hands palms-up on your thighs. Lean forward and clasp your hands around your knees. Look up:
Kidney sound: Form an "O" with your lips as if preparing to blow out a candle. With a long, slow exhalation produce the sound "WOOOOOOOO."
Visualization: Return your hands to the palms-up position on your lap and smile to your kidneys. Imagine a blue light shining upon your kidneys, surrounding them. Concentrate on feeling the virtue (power) of gentleness and/or generosity.
Repeat two more times (a total of three), including the hands position and visualization.
The Liver Sound
The liver sound transforms the emotional energy inside the liver into kindness.
Position: Sit on the edge of your chair with feet shoulder length apart. Place hands palms-up on your thighs. Raise your hands palms-up over your head and interlock your fingers. Lean slightly to the left. Look up.

Samstag, 11. Juni 2011

¿Por que necesitamos un masaje abdominal Chi Nei Tsang?

En todo el mundo, incluso en el pueblo más alejado, existen dichos como "me meo por miedo", "tengo un nudo en mi estomago".... En nuestra subconsciencia sabemos que las emociones tienen un impacto sobre nosotros, que pueden cambiarnos. Emociones buenas, "positivas" nos dejan con una sensación de bienestar; malas emociones, "negativas" emociones nos ponen enfermos - en su propio sentido, en un nivel físico y emocional.
Por eso los taoísta dicen, que hace falta quitar y limpiar estas emociones no solo de nuestra memoria sino también de nuestra segunda mente, el abdomen.
Allí almacenamos todas las emociones negativas desde el momento del embarazo de nuestra madre, dentro de su vientre. Por este almacenamiento en nuestros órganos internos ellos están afectados; mucho tiempo sin darnos cuenta hasta el momento, cuando se manifiestan problemas físicos: indigestión, dolor lumbar, gases con el vientre hinchado, etc. Muchas veces esto va juntos con problemas emocionales como mal humor, miedos etc. - pero sin que hacemos la conexión entre ello y que la raíz está en nuestro abdomen.
En muchos casos una buena limpieza con algunas sesiones de CHI NEI TSANG masaje abdominal taoísta puede solucionar estos problemas de manera natural.
Aunque el CHI NEI TSANG está reconocido en muchos países como terapia complementaria, no puede substituir un tratamiento médico. ¡Siempre consulte un médico si tienes problemas físicos!

Warum brauchen wir eine taoistische Bauchmassage CHI NEI TSANG?

Überall auf der Welt gibt es Sprüche wie: "das schlägt mir auf den Magen", ich mache mir vor Angst in die Hosen", "mir kommt die Galle hoch" usw. Unbewusst ist uns klar, dass uns Gefühle verändern, uns beeinflussen. Gute, "positive" Gefühle geben uns ein Wohlgefühl; schlechte, "negative" Gefühle lassen uns krank werden - körperlich und geistig.
Die Taoisten sagen daher, dass wir die Emotionen nicht nur aus unserem Gedächtnis entfernen und reinigen müssen, sondern auch aus unserem zweiten Gedächtnis: unserem Bauch. Dort speichern wir all diese negativen Gefühle seit dem Moment, in dem wir im Bauch unserer Mutter wachsen. Und durch diese Ansammlung in unseren inneren Organen belasten wir sie; lange Zeit unbewusst, bis zu dem Moment, in dem sich körperliche Probleme manifestieren: Verdauungsschwierigkeiten, Rückenschmerzen, Blähbauch usw. Oft geht dies zusammen mit emotionellen Problemen, schlechter Laune, Ängsten usw. - ohne, dass es uns bewusst ist, dass die Ursache in unserem Bauch liegt. 
Oft können durch eine gute Reinigung mit einigen Behandlungen CHI NEI TSANG taoistische Bauchmassage viele körperliche und emotionelle Probleme auf natürliche Weise gelöst werden.

Obwohl Chi Nei Tsang in vielen Ländern als komplementäre Therapie anerkannt ist, kann es keine ärztliche Behandlung ersetzen. Bei Beschwerden sollte immer ein Arzt aufgesucht werden.

Why do we need a Taoist abdominal massage CHI NEI TSANG?

All over the world are sayings such as: "I have this gut feeling"....etc. Subconsciously we know that emotion can change us. Good, "positiv" emotion give us a sensation of well-being; bad, "negativ" emotion are the source of disease - on a physical as well as on an emotional level. Taoist say that we have to release and clean these emotion not only in our memory/brain, but also in our second brain, the abdomen. There we store all negative emotion from the very early moment in our mothers womb. And through storing it in our inner organs, we overload them with poison; long time without consciousness until the moment, when physical disorders manifest: constipation, lower back pain, bloated belly, head ache etc., to name but a few. Very often this goes together with emotional problems such as fears, bad mood and mood changes etc. - without being aware, that the source lies in our abdomen.
A profound cleansing through some CHI NEI TSANG Taoist abdominal massage treatments can solve many physical and emotional problems in a natural way from within.

Although Chi Nei Tsang is recognized as a complementary therapy in many different countries, it can not substitute a proper medical treatment. If you suffer from any disease, please consult a physican.

Montag, 30. Mai 2011

¿Que es el Chi Nei Tsang, masaje abdominal taoísta?

DEUTSCH                                                       ENGLISH                                                         


Unos taoístas sabios observaron que los humanos muchas veces desarrollamos bloqueos energéticos dentro y alrededor de los órganos internos, manifestando éstos bloqueos en nudos y lazos en la parte abdominal - según de los taoistas nuestra segunda mente. Almacenamos todas las sensaciones y emociones. Esto puede afectar el fluido del Chi, dando como un desorden en el sistema, resultando en molestias físicas y emocionales como por ejemplo problemas de digestión, dolor lumbar, el abdomen hinchado y con gases, mal humor y mucho más.
Para una vida sana y feliz tenemos que limpiar el abdomen con frecuencia - esta técnica milenaria nos ayuda a conseguir el estado equilibrado deseado de manera agradable.